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Anatomy Course
How to use this course (1:35)
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Module 1 - Navigating the Body
1.1 Planes of Movement (2:11)
1.2 Directions and Positions (2:45)
Module 2 - Bones
2.1 The Axial and Appendicular Skeleton (0:52)
2.2 Bone Function
2.3 Bone Classification
2.4 Bones of the Axial Skeleton (6:36)
2.5 Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton (10:22)
Module 3 - Joints
3.1 What Are Joints?
3.2 Movement Terminology (7:07)
3.3 Important Joints to Know (14:07)
3.4 Common Joint Injuries
3.5 Levers
3.6 Ligaments and Tendons
Module 4 - Muscle
4.1 Muscles Overview (6:16)
4.2 Unilateral and Bilateral Movement (0:49)
4.3 Actions of the Spine and Pelvis (2:46)
4.4 Posterior Spine Movers (3:32)
4.5 Anterior Spine Movers (7:19)
4.6 Deep Core Muscles (3:40)
4.7 Actions of the Scapula (2:05)
4.8 Scapula Movers (8:03)
4.9 Actions of the Shoulder (2:20)
4.10 Shoulder Movers (6:41)
4.11 Actions of the Elbow (1:01)
4.12 Elbow Movers (2:55)
4.13 Actions of the Wrist and Fingers (1:58)
4.14 Wrist and Finger Movers (2:02)
4.15 Actions of the Hip (2:00)
4.16 Hip Movers (9:43)
4.17 Actions of the Knee (0:32)
4.18 Knee Movers (4:55)
4.19 Actions of the Ankle and Foot (1:24)
4.20 Ankle and Foot Movers (6:11)
Theory Exam
Anatomy Theory Exam
4.18 Knee Movers
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